Sunday, 18 May 2014

Summer Salads

I'm happy to announce that summer has finally arrived. In true British fashion, the end of last week was raining heavily, but quite suddenly the sun decided to show it's face, and yesterday it became very, very warm. For the first time this year I actually wore shorts and went on a long bike ride. It's been great and I really hope the weather stays like this for a while.

It is also the time of year for salads. I love salads. They're very good for just chucking ingredients together that you may have left in your fridge. Today I'm going to show you my favourite savoury and my favourite fruit salad. These are perfect for a summer Sunday tea.

Savoury salad - This is a simple chicken salad. I cook the chicken simply by boiling it in a pan. Whilst it's cooking I cut up all the vegetables and place them on a plate. For this I used a few pieces of lettuce as a base, 1 avocado, 1 radish, chopped cucumber, plum tomatoes and beetroot. When the chicken is done I place it on top of the vegetables and then drizzle a french dressing over the top. It's incredibly delicious and colourful.

Fruit Salad - This salad doesn't use many ingredients but what it does include is very delicious. I began with mango for the first layer and added lychees on top of that. I then scooped over some passion fruit and finally sprinkled over blueberries. This ended up being so yummy.

To finish off I made a glass of pomegranate and elderflower cordial. I love delicious cordials and this is one of my favourites. 

So that's it for the first of, hopefully, many salads this summer.

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